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KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) Katharine O'Moore Klopf

Thursday, June 08, 2006

How to Boost Flagging Approval Ratings

What to do to get attention when at least 70% of American citizens think you're doing a crummy job as president? Why, kill a terrorist leader, of course.

Yes, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida's leader in Iraq, is dead. But come on, George—you've just created a martyr, in whose name al-Quaida will fight on. These words were found posted on a web site:

We want to give you the joyous news of the martyrdom of the mujahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

The death of our leaders is life for us. It will only increase our persistence in continuing holy war so that the word of God will be supreme.

There's no such thing as winning the war on terror. Killing will always beget killing.


Dick Margulis said...

Bush is the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Every time he takes a swat at a terrorist, he creates two thousand more. When is the Sorcerer going to return to put an end to the madness—and who is the Sorcerer going to turn out to be, I wonder.

Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

I can't see the Sorcerer emerging from the mists yet, but I know for sure it ain't gonna be my own senator, Hillary Clinton.

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