KOK Edit: Your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM)
KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) Katharine O'Moore Klopf

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sources of Tea, the Editing Fuel

All good editing, in my opinion, is fueled by tea. (Don't believe me? Read this.) And to me, all good tea is brewed from whole tea leaves and is enjoyed without any sugar or honey. Of course, you may disagree with those points, but you'll have to agree that this is a good starter list of tea vendors. If you have favorites that aren't listed there, please provide links in the comments here, and I'll consider adding them to my list.


Erin said...

Here's another for the list: Rishi (www.rishi-tea.com). They have a great variety and I believe most is organic and/or fair trade.

Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Oh, excellent! Thanks, Erin. I'll have to try them out.

Katie Skeen said...

Hi Katherine,
I just came to your website for the first time (from CE-L). I love tea, though I can't really drink the caffeinated kind anyore. Rooibos and chrysanthemum teas are favorites. I like Arbor Teas online, but I will have to check out your list!
Katie Skeen

Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Hi, Katie. Nice to see you here. Thanks to you, I've updated the list of tea vendors to include Arbor Teas.

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