KOK Edit: Your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM)
KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) Katharine O'Moore Klopf

Monday, January 03, 2005

TV: PR, Sex, and Violence in a Box

What I see on American TV these days mostly turns me off . . . so I turn it off.

Most of the talking heads don’t work as hard at checking out news stories as the reporters of the ’60s, ’70s, and even the ’80s did. The local ones generally base nonpolice stories on the press releases they get, adding a few self-serving quotes from the organizations who wrote the releases. They’re more concerned about looking good and getting airtime. The network reporters do a little better, except when it comes to reporting on anything related to George Bush. Most of them seem to believe anything that man says. Disgusts me. People who realize that this is the case have turned to alternative news sources in droves.

Then there’s the selling and the sex. Why would any sane person believe that having the newest car will get you an attractive romantic partner? But that’s what the car ads imply. Apparently, chewing certain kinds of gum and shopping at some stores will get you an attractive person as well. I can get a romantic partner on my own, thank you very much. And I don’t need to buy, buy, buy to be happy with my life.

But most egregious of all is the nonstop violence. Cop shows, detective shows, docudramas about kidnappings, movies about murder, wrestling, boxing, football, and hockey (I know I’ve just made enemies with the sports references) drown viewers in physical violence and pain. There are guns everywhere you look. Even sitcoms throw in a little physical violence, with kids threatening to beat up other kids and approving mentions of spanking children. Then there’s the emotional violence that sitcoms promote: canned laughter at parents who put down their children, coworkers who insult each other, and spouses and domestic partners who dole out more rudeness than love to each other. And people wonder why Americans are violence-prone.

I want TV that doesn’t pitch toys, soft drinks, candy, sex, and violence to my children. I want shows that don’t use guns or sex or car crashes to boost their ratings. I want real news, including footage of all the deaths on both sides in the war in Iraq, so that Bush’s blind followers might have their eyes opened.

But then again, I’ve sometimes been accused of tilting at windmills.


Deb said...

Aside from real in-depth news and the truth about Iraq, it occurs to me that the right-wing also wants a move away from the constant sell of sex/violence shock value drama that dominates so much of the airwaves.

I suspect that stuff sells because it is easier for people to "turn off" and relax to the mindless dribble. Reality with substance might actually make us think. I don't think corporations want us to think much. It is more difficult to sell to a thinking public. Thinking people make rational choices. Zombies do what they are told. (Yes, I know there are some good programs out there. I am speaking of the majority of prime time crap. There is not a healthy balance in my opinion.)

Do I sound arrogant? I don't care if I do. This country is in serious trouble and I have lost patience with the part of the population unwilling to go a little extra distance to help set some serious wrongs right because "their show" is on. Little things around us need attention...like peace, democracy, freedom of speech, decent health care and education for starters.

ian said...

One thing over-looked...

For all of its negatives, television has provided many positives. I wasn't even thought of when we landed on the moon and were able to watch ourselves watching ourselves, but I remember watching the wall being torn down, South Africans turning out to vote, and other major historical events.

Also, though they have biases of their own, the history channel and the various discovery's have provided intelegect, informative, and entertaining programming for years.

But as was stated before, this sort of programming is not what is widely promoted...


Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Yes, there are good programs on TV--but they tend to get buried under all the garbage.

Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Susan, thanks for the kind words. Middle age is a wonderful thing: The older I get, the less I can keep my mouth shut. I know a lot of bloggers don't reveal their surnames--or even their real first names--but I figure what's the use in speaking out if I don't own my words?

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