KOK Edit: Your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM)
KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) Katharine O'Moore Klopf

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Sparse Blogging These Days

While I'm helping my husband finish the setup of his own company and while I'm in the middle of editing two medical textbooks at once, I'm going to be rather quiet here. I simply don't have any spare time or much spare brain power. I'll pop in here as often as I can.

1 comment:

Stephanie E. said...

We'll miss you here while you're trying to juggle it all. Good luck with all of it. And when you return, if you're looking for something bookishly fun to do, you've been tagged on my blog. :)

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